If you die without having written a Will, your possessions may not be distributed as you would have wished. They will be distributed according to the law of intestacy. Your last Will and Testament is a powerful legal document. It should be correctly drafted to ensure your estate is distributed according to your wishes and any liability to IHT is minimised.

Wills should be reviewed regularly to ensure they still meet your wishes as your family circumstances change through various forms such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child or grandchild, change in employments status or the diagnosis of a serious illness amongst others.

Getting older brings with it all sorts of decisions including, for example, Nursing Home fees and Powers of Attorney.

Careful Will planning is essential for everybody with a well-drafted Will ensuring that the wealth you have built up during your lifetime benefits the right people on your death – and it can also be structured to save tax. The use of a Trust can sometimes be beneficial.

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